Friday Fictioneers- The Criminal

This is my first Friday Fictioneers post. I hope I have done everything correctly ๐Ÿ™‚

I call it The Criminal, it is 100 words and inspired by the lovely photo byย Gah.

A full moon shone on me like a spotlight.

That pointed finger from the heavens was all that tied me to the crime.

Still I obsessively scanned the street below my bedroom window.

Still I jumped at every passing siren.

I wondered if they had found her body yet.

Tucked away so expertly from scrutinizing eyes.

If they caught me I would be thrown in jail.

But I stood there, paralyzed.

Crippled by nerves.

A free man too scared to leave that very spot beside the window.

I hoped that they’d find me soon.

So my prison sentence could end.

31 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers- The Criminal”

  1. Dear Jacob,

    As far as I can see you did everything like a pro. A hearty welcome to Friday Fictioneers!
    I loved the paradox in your story. He fears going to prison for his crime, yet he’s in his own private prison already. Well done, especially for a maiden voyage. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I look forward to reading more from you. It’s only fair to warn you that this is a highly addictive activity, especially with our wonderful global community.



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  2. Welcome to the Friday Fictioneers. I’m pleased you jumped in when my picture was up and it’s great to have you. YI love the story, from the rising paranoia about being found out through the stressful worrying and finally to the hopefor the relief of punishment. It paints a whole spectrum of emotions. Warning: the Friday Fictioneers challenge is very addictive. ๐Ÿ™‚

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    1. Haha, I’ve been warned about the addictive nature of this community. It’s one I welcome. Everyone is so nice!

      Also thank you so much for your comments, I’m a fairly anxious person by nature. I’m glad I was able to communicate clear enough haha

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